Madaster Foundation is a not-for-profit Dutch legal entity (ANBI status). It has a Supervisory Board that consists of 3 independent members that ensure the realization of the Foundation objectives.

Activity Report 2022


In 2022, the activities of the Madaster Foundation had been relatively subdued for some time.
This was mainly due to the fact that the Madaster platform was still under development and consequently there wasn’t much to oversee. Throughout 2022, the board of the Madaster Foundation decided that the platform had developed sufficiently to also operationalise the Foundation further and take steps towards further professionalization.


  • A policy plan for 2023-2024 has been established.
  • It was decided to appoint a director for one day a week to oversee operations and make plans
    for further activities as mentioned in the Policy Plan 2023-2024.
    – Mr. Joris Hillebrand will assume this role from January 1, 2023
  • According to the cooperation agreement between Madaster Foundation and the company Madaster Services, there must be a local entity of Madaster Foundation in each country where Madaster Services operates, which oversees the activities of Madaster Services in that country.
    – This has proven to be a very laborious structure, which also inhibits the expansion of Madaster Services’ activities to new countries.
    – The new director will be tasked with investigating how the oversight structure can be simplified, eliminating the need to set up a separate entity of the Foundation in every country.
  • In anticipation of the previous point, it was decided to establish a representation of the Foundation, without a local entity, in Germany.
    – Mr. Gerhard Feldmeyer will assume this role from January 1, 2023.


This activity overview has been prepared by the board of the Madaster Foundation and will be regularly updated to reflect the progress of the foundation.

November 2023

Thomas Rau (Chairman)
Pablo van den Bosch (Treasurer / Secretary)