Introducing Madaster Foundation
Madaster considers the Earth as a closed system where there should not be any waste. Through registration and documentation of products and materials used in the built environment, they can be reused in a circular economy and waste can be eliminated.
A prerequisite for these concepts and solutions that Madaster Foundation supports is that data must be available for the commons – individuals, businesses, organisations, science, education, NGO’s, government, etc. – as efficiently as possible through a sustainable service that is compliant with data privacy and security requirements.
Madaster Foundation supports and supervises the international roll out, commercialisation and operations of the Madaster platform.
Madaster Foundation stimulates the development of knowledge, methodologies and concepts that facilitate the transition to a circular economy.
Facilitate the realization and implementation of the passport concept for materials, products and construction objects through stimulating the development and clarification of passport content, guidelines and standards.

Guiding principles
Contribute to defining principles to gather, store, exchange and utilize data, including the
application of passports and the valuation of financial and environmental impact of materials and products used.

Industry standards
Stimulate the registration of materials and products and usage of passports in the real estate and infrastructure sector, e.g. through industry
standards like EPD’s, building and product certification schemes.

Data availability
Ensure data is and remains available for the commons so a circular economy can be realized. Data must be available as efficiently as possible through a sustainable service that is compliant with data privacy and security requirements.

About us
Madaster Foundation is a not-for-profit Dutch legal entity (ANBI status). It’s Supervisory Board consists of 3 independent members that ensure the realisation of the Foundation objectives. The board is supported by a small team of professionals in its activities regarding content development, communication, partnership supervision and international cooperation.
Madaster Foundation works on a global scale and has agreements with similar (not-for-profit) organisations with a focus on national or local activities. The cooperation agreements with local organisations can include the use of the Madaster registered trademarks.
Organisations that have a cooperation agreement with Madaster Foundation gather on a yearly basis in an international assembly to reflect on the development of the circular economy in the build environment and specifically the use of pragmatic experience, (scientific) knowledge and data technology to realise the required transition. Participants are a.o. the supervisory board members, representatives of local Madaster Foundation chapters, board members and staff of Madaster Foundation, and the board members of Madaster Services. Besides the content debate, the supervisory board reports its supervision results as agreed in the “Partnership Agreement Madaster Services and Madaster Foundation” the to the international assembly.
Madaster Foundation has a partnership agreement with Madaster Services (a group of legal entities active in multiple countries). This agreement arranges the alignment of social impact objectives and the supervisory relationship between both partners.
The foundation supervises the Madaster Services activities along three ‘key performance indicators’:
1) Financial stability: Madaster Services needs to ensure financial stability to develop and support a) functional and geographical development of the platform and b) availability of data to support the circular economy.
2) Service delivery: Madaster Services needs to ensure availability of the data platform according to predefined Service Level Agreements.
3) Corporate compliance: Madaster Services needs to ensure compliance with its corporate compliance policy.
Madaster Foundation is owner of the Madaster registered trademarks. All data uploaded, saved or shared by users of the Madaster platform remain the exclusive property of the relevant users. All aggregated (anonymised) user data, including statistical insights on the level of a country, province, city or even smaller predefined area is called metadata. This metadata is and shall only be used by Madaster Services within the objectives as described in the partnership agreement.
Madaster Foundation does not want to establish a (project based) research and development organisation. It also does not want to replace or compete existing knowledge and research institutes. The objective of the Foundation is to stimulate the development of knowledge, methodologies and concepts that facilitate the transition to a circular economy by bringing together people and organisations through communication and contribution to the public debate.